TTS Sticker Co-Host display mode but not visible all the time

LewyMaster PL

In my opinion, it will be nice if TTS Sticker which is set to Co-Host display mode could "drive-in/slide-in/appear" just when TTS message arrive and then go-out or hide under the bottom or left/right edge of the screen. Showing it all the time should be eventually optional. Chat not always use TTS to submit messages, so it is not necessary to show sticker all the time.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Stream Stickers

Status changed to: Under review


Enya Faerie

I want to second this idea and also add an additional idea for a customization option to make the co-host image "bounce" or "wiggle" in some way so that the eye is drawn to it better for if we do keep the co-host on screen at all times.